
Unlocking the power of social for advertisers on Facebook and Twitter

SocialCode empowers hundreds of companies to realize the power of social marketing on Facebook and Twitter, using complex algorithms. They approached Intridea to develop a set of tools that would enable ad managers to consume and relay information to clients from these massive data sets.

A basic data visualization tool, while appropriate for basic Facebook users, would not have worked in this situation. SocialCode's scientists analyze the data and apply elaborate algorithms to make calculated determinations about a campaigns target audience. They use the data to guide campaign managers on the optimal ways to reach and engage their intended market. Therefore, we had to preserve the density and complexity of the data with elegant, concise visualizations that exposed the meaningful aspects of the data without oversimplifying it.

We began by building a web client to extract data from an existing API. Then, with careful attention to the distinct needs of the data analysts our User Experience design team worked on the visualization paths until we arrived at a perfect combination of charts, graphs and maps that pulled and displayed the most relevant bits of DNA from the data. We leveraged the Highcharts charting library, and Coffeescript framework for Javascript for ease of development.

Ad campaigns are costly and run around the clock; therefore, the tools to collect, analyze and display that data need to be resilient and fully optimized at all times. Ruby on Rails provided the perfect framework to develop robust application logic.

Elegant Data

The result is a powerful yet simple set of tools to manage, analyze and interpret data for their clients, helping SocialCode to build brands, communities, and reach more customers.